‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week#14 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! @pursoot #IARTG #ASMSG #WritingCommunity

Hello everyone and welcome to my weekly “Fiction in A Flash Challenge!”  Week #14 Each week I’ll be featuring an image and inviting you to write a Flash Fiction or Non-Fiction piece inspired by that image in any format and genre of your choosing.  Maximum word count: 750 words.

Please put it (or a link to it) in a comment or email it to me at My email address. by DEADLINE: 4pm EDT on Thursday,  Subject: Fiction in a Flash Challenge. If you post it on your own blog or site, a link to this page would be much appreciated.

UPDATE: The response to the prompts has been just wonderful. As a result, I’ll be sharing all entries received, and, my own contribution here AS I RECEIVE THEM. Rather than posting all of them only over a few days.  Thanks to everyone for the amazing support.

Here is the week #14 Image Prompt.

FREE Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I hope the image inspires you! Come and join in the fun.

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41 thoughts on “‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week#14 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! @pursoot #IARTG #ASMSG #WritingCommunity

    1. I hear you, my friend. My respect for our teaching profession ramped up even higher after homeschooling my eight-year-old grandson for months.😁 Entries don’t close until 4.00 p.m EDT on August 27th. (Just in case you find a moment to breathe)❤


    1. Thanks so much for this great take on this week’s prompt, Jacqui! I’m so delighted you joined in the fun, and hope that future prompts will ignite your muse again. 😊 I’ll be featuring your post here on the challenge site, shortly.

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