Seasons of The Muse. Does your muse have a favorite season? Mine does. #RRBC #WritingCommunity #IARTG

Seasons of The Muse.

Does your muse have a season when it’s at its most active? I’ve discovered that mine does.


It’s winter here in the Land of Oz and a quick glimpse out my window confirms what my bones have been telling me all morning, we have more snow on the way. I’ve been awake since 4.00 a.m and have already indulged in way too much caffeine. I’m edgy, and my thoughts are all screaming in unison to gain my attention. I’ve been caught up in a cycle of examining all my past works and the discoveries I’ve made have caused me to faceplant and groan more than a few times.

I’ve learned so much since those early days, and I have so much more to learn. I hunger for that knowledge.

I also began to notice a pattern to my writing, something I’d never consciously thought about had recurred far too many times to be a coincidence.

I discovered that I’d written countless short-stories and six of my eight novels in winter.

I also found these particular works to be my writing at its very darkest.

Seasonal disaffected disorder? Possibly. Yet I don’t venture outside much at all no matter what the season.

I’m beginning to understand why my muse demands so much more of me, why it pushes away any doubts and self-imposed limitations I’m still carrying as baggage. And why it surfaces so strongly when the cold wind blows and the clouds billow outside.

We all draw from our past. Subconsciously reliving both the best of times and the absolute worst of them. The tools our lives handed us back then go into our personal arsenals. We draw those weapons to protect us when survival demands it of us.

Winter honed those skills for me. That’s when my muse first surfaced. I recall sitting around a fire pit with the other street kids and telling stories that made us laugh or punch the air with a “Hell, yeah!”. Taking our minds away from the hunger for a while, enriching us, and connecting us as a family.

I still tell those stories now. Only now I write them down and share them with friends across a far bigger fire pit.

Winter will lash our small town until Mid-October. And yes, I’ve just finished writing another novel. With one more underway. Are they dark? Uh-huh, and then some. The cycle continues.

Grab a moment and share your own insights.

Do you recognize a particular season when your muse fires up and hits hyperdrive? Do you know why that is, or is it always planned that way? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

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22 thoughts on “Seasons of The Muse. Does your muse have a favorite season? Mine does. #RRBC #WritingCommunity #IARTG

  1. I seem to get more done in colder months, too. Does it get darker then…perhaps:) I’m looking forward to your new work! Happy winter writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the early onset of darkness plays a part in it. The excitement of completing a new book never grows old, does it? Thanks as always for your thoughts and good wishes, my friend.❤

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    1. I lived in the tropics for many years and looking back I’ve found that the works I penned during that time are radically different to my current ones. They are nowhere near as dark. Thanks for stopping by, Roberta.


  2. I always think I’m going to get a lot done during the winter months (especially January). But for some reason, I never do. Seems like I do better in late spring through early fall. Of course, we have long, hot summers here in Texas and it’s not a good idea to spend a lot of time outdoors. I always marvel at the different seasons between the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

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    1. Hi, Joan! I’ve had the pleasure of sleeping under the stars of both hemispheres, I’ve found that nothing else signifies the long distance I am from home more than that overhead canopy. I smile at the difference in our seasons, especially days of celebration. Christmas here is a summer celebration, often spent with extended family at a beach, or poolside.Vive la difference. Thanks so much for stopping by. 😊

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  3. I’m most creative (and probably do my best writing) during the fall Strangely, most of my books are set in late spring through early summer. I have done 1 or 2 in autumn, but have only written a novella that was set during the winter months, I think a winter in a novel makes for a great claustrophobic setting,
    I do accomplish a lot during the winter, but my creativity seems to really spike in the fall.

    Looking forward to your new releases. You are on a roll!

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    1. I wield winter as a weapon in most of my works. Your fall begins on September 21st I believe. Whoo-who, I’m so looking forward to reading what your fall creativity spike has in store for us, my friend.

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  4. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence but all my books have been written during the summer months. As writers, we’re constantly growing, learning and evolving as is our work, so it makes sense that when looking back at our past work we’re not satisfied. That’s why legendary writers like Stephen King and Ann Rice revise their earlier books every so often. It makes sense. I too have learned so much and my writing style has evolved since I wrote my first book 9+ years ago. All the best, my friend! Happy Writing! ❤ xo

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    1. I’m currently updating my very first works of published fiction, Acts Beyond Redemption and its sequel Acts of Betrayal. I believe the stories are too good to be let down by my older editing skills. They deserved better. I hope to have those 2nd editions out early in 2020.Thanks so much for stopping by today, Vashti. xox ❤

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  5. I feel it is time, not seasons that push the muse. When I was busy with the challenges of career and family responsibilities, I could just scribble a few lines but now, with freedom from ticking of the clock, I can spend all my time writing and all seasons speak sweetly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What an interesting observation, Soooz! I’d say my imagination is most active in the spring. That is the time of year I get tons of ideas and inspirations. But I love the solitude of winter for bringing those ideas to a close. Fantastic post and can’t wait for the new stories!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hugs and thanks for stopping by, my friend. I’ve also been smiling at my music selections that vary so much season to season. Top of today’s playlist is ‘Morrison Hotel’ by The Doors. Winter anyone?😁😎

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