‘Glimpses Across The Barricades’ Poetry in progress. “And The Music Plays On.”

Thank you for being here, as I share my Glimpses Across The Barricades of life. Poems written long ago, and poems of life yet to be lived.

Glimpses Across The Barricades.

MUSIC OF LIFEAnd the Music Plays on.

By Suzanne Burke.


Oh, how those melodies linger,

stroking our souls with soft fingers.

Refrains of the journeys we’ve taken

and the people we’ve known.


Lyrics haunting and taunting

Caught on the wind

Oft’ bringing sweet sadness

Of things that our memory will not rescind.


Anthems of times of upheaval

When the world lost its way,

Sung by those that stood witness

On far distant shores.


Songs of love, and of laughter

Songs calloused with pain

All linger in memory

As we dance in the rain.


The last song not yet written

That last post un-played

As we come unbidden

To our safe place in life’s shade.





24 thoughts on “‘Glimpses Across The Barricades’ Poetry in progress. “And The Music Plays On.”

      1. Thanks so much, honey. I hope to publish these eventually. I have the 3rd book of my memoir partially written and that has my main focus for the moment. How kind you are to refer to my poems as gems. 🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wonderful to hear, Soooz! It would be lovely to have them all together. I revisit them now. I’m almost ready for launch day on Tuesday. Another collection of poems – The Heart’s Lullaby is very dear to my heart. My excitement to nervous ratio is holding steady at 70:30! 🙂 XO

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 😊 I am excited for you! How lovely, and the title is great! It is one of the most nerve-jangling and exciting of times, my friend. I am so looking forward to grabbing my copy. ❤️️

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      4. Oh my gosh, Soooz, it’s the day! I’m so excited that I simply can’t seem to stay still. I’m so grateful for your kindness and support. I don’t know if this would have happened without friends like you. You are, indeed, a huge part of my journey! Much love and gratitude, XO

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    1. Thank you, Mae Clair. We all have those sweet melodies. I’m forever grateful to all the fabulous lyricists and musicians who emphasized so clearly all the times of my life. ❤️️

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